About Us

Investors want alpha. We wanted to make investing in niche strategies easy, efficient, and risk-conscious.

Using a multi-manager, multi-asset approach, ClearAlpha® seeks to implement alpha-generating strategies using high-performing, less-common ideas run by top-level talent, leveraging best-in-class technology across multiple asset classes with strong, automated risk management systems in place.
Our Values
Mutual respect and trust are integral to our team and the cornerstones of effective communication and collaboration.
We’re in this together. We believe that being thoughtfully aligned with employees and investors allows for greater cohesion and drives success.
Risk management
Good risk management is an exercise in creativity and imagination to identify and mitigate even hidden potential risks.
Integrity and character
Character is a key part of risk management - your team is only as good as your people.
Idea meritocracy
We are constantly learning and searching for the “why” behind every outcome, encouraging an iterative process focused on continuous improvement.
The Strategy

Niche Alpha seeks to find high-performing, less-common strategies run by top-level talent.

Over time, alpha strategies become diluted and less efficient. Instead, we cast a wide net across asset classes, geographies and niche alpha strategies to generate uncorrelated, diverse return streams through curated talent and risk management.
Management Committee
Management team at ClearAlpha
Sean Terretta
Technology & Security
Management team at ClearAlpha
Brian Hurst
Portfolio Management & Trading
Management team at ClearAlpha
Elisha Wiesel
Risk Management
Management team at ClearAlpha
Brian Hurst
Portfolio Management & Trading
Management team at ClearAlpha
Sean Terretta
Technology & Security
Management team at ClearAlpha
Elisha Wiesel
Risk Management
The ClearAlpha™ Difference
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